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Eng Audiovisual BPT1-2.18-22白话FF 1-2 第18至22段 [Official Transcript]后附笔记美图

发表于 2021-12-6 12:37:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

 Words of wisdom in English  

video of Words of Wisdom in English

Eng Audiovisual Book [Journey to Heaven & Hell]

单词汇总 Glossary

虚无缥缈  the illusory nature

臭皮囊     mortal flesh


a worried mind remains drifting and restless

被诸事牵扯 entangled by all kinds of things

忍辱精进 forbearance and diligence

心灵纯净 the purity of our state of mind

法宝      a golden practice

尘丝      a thread of karmic relationship

心不起波澜   be impervious to external influences

视外辱如无物 regards insults as nothing


let mind not be swayed by the changing external circumstances

去除“我”    remove the notion of “self”


our own understanding and our point of view


look at problems analytically and comprehensively

污秽的习气  defiled predispositions

恶缘分       negative affinities

buddhism in plain terms

The antidote to the three poisons is none other than “Morality (Precepts), Concentration and Wisdom”. It all starts with practising self-discipline. A self-disciplined mind can be settled, allowing you to advance along the path of cultivation. There will come a day when you can become awakened and see the true nature of things – this is the time when you gain wisdom, and the poisons will no longer be an issue. 


Nevertheless, in the subsequent phases, the three poisons may just manifest in the form of other temptations. Just when you are able to let go of wealth, you may be faced with the temptation of status. Once you have seen the illusory nature of status, you may be enticed with lust. Once you have realised that the body is nothing but mortal flesh, there comes the temptation of fame – and the list goes on.   


In addition to the temptations, each individual in this world must grapple with their own set of life’s troubles – from the household to the nation and to the world at large, all of it bringing us great worry. But a worried mind remains drifting and restless. Entangled by all kinds of things, how are you going to cultivate your mind?


As long as we live in this world, it is inevitable that we need to interact with other people. Although self-discipline may help to restrain us from forming negative karmic affinities with others, we cannot expect those people around us to do the same. If others form negative karmic affinities with us, that is when we are being hurled with insults, unfairly treated, or misunderstood. Under such circumstances, the practice of “forbearance and diligence” is the proper approach in order to maintain the purity of our state of mind. 


Exercising forbearance when being insulted is not an expression of cowardice, but a golden practice that saves us from the establishment of negative karmic affinities. The moment we take offence or bear a grudge when someone takes a shot at us, a thread of karmic relationship inevitably sticks – and this is the moment when negative karma is formed. 


Only by practising forbearance can we reject this “negative energy” and in so doing prevent negative karmic affinities from taking root.  Forbearance is merely an external appearance. What we truly want to attain is a state of mind that is impervious to external influences – one that regards insults as nothing. When it comes to the cultivation of the mind, this is what “let mind not be swayed by the changing external circumstances” is all about.   


Another thing we must remove from our minds is attachment. This applies to attachment to the self or attachment to others, as they are both forms of prejudice stemming from our incomplete understanding of things. Since our life experiences and our perception of life differ, we develop prejudices that we think are correct. 


Understandably, it is this attachment that causes us to be biased in our understanding of what we have experienced. However, the problem is that we fail to realise that our views are biased, so we continue to be deceived by the illusions that we believe to be true. 


The fundamental solution lies in removing the notion of “self”. We should not see Buddhism from “our own understanding and our point of view”. In other words, we should learn to look at problems analytically and comprehensively, combining it with our practical experiences in life to come to understand Buddhism. 


Our minds need to be cleansed every now and then – our negative karma needs to be eliminated to prevent worries and temptations from afflicting us. Only then can a pure mind be achieved. The objective of purifying the mind is to reveal our inherent nature. 


When the purity within us reaches a certain level, our inherent nature will become prominent and not easily tainted or blinded by defilements. At this juncture, we need to take great care of the mind, nurturing it and allowing it to thrive, and ensuring it will not become lost once again. This is considered the starting point of learning Buddhism.


Is renouncing the world the only way to achieve purity of the mind? Paradoxically, this mundane world is the best place for cultivating the mind. If the mind is not pure, even if you were to retreat to a mountain-top, you would still be unable to let go of attachment. 


Achieving purity of the mind isn’t a matter of letting go of everything including one’s karmic affinities. Nor does it mean that you should no longer socialise with others in order to avoid forming karmic affinities. “Purity” in this context is about being clean, pure and untainted by defiled predispositions and negative affinities. It is a state achieved through cultivation, not merely through the act of evading. 




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