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【有声书 | 师父讲心理学】9、行为主义【中英双字】

发表于 2020-5-10 14:26:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






在心理学上有一种观点叫做“行为主义”,它有三个极为接近和有趣的概念: 首先是行为主义高度重视学习,第二是它认为人没有真正的人性,第三个概念是认为人具有无限的可塑性。

在斯金纳的精神分析行为主义中, 他倡导的这些概念认为,只要几个身体正常的健康婴儿在他指定的世界中成长, 任何一位都可以保证被培养成任何类型的专家、医生、艺术家、商人,甚至乞 丐或小偷。他的行为主义认为,无论一个人的祖先的才华、爱好、倾向、能力、 职业、种族如何,都对行为主义没有影响。斯金纳认为,这是极其平等的观点,他认为人性也是一种培养出来的个性,并且家庭背景对后天的培养没有任何的影响力,所以只需用一种特殊方式培养就可以创造出这种方式的一个成功之人。



In psychology, there is a viewpoint called "behaviourism". It has three similar and overarching concepts: First, behaviourism puts a strong emphasis on learning; second, it states that there is no real human nature; third, it sees people as infinitely malleable.

According to Skinner's behaviourism, if a dozen healthy infants are brought up in a single specified world, he will guarantee that any one of them can be trained to become any type of specialist, whether it be doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant, chiefs or even beggar-man or thief. His behaviourism argues that it is true regardless of their ancestors, talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations or race.

Skinner believes that this is an extremely egalitarian point of view, that human nature is a personality that is cultivated, and that the family background of a person does not influence the acquisition and cultivation of skills. Hence, the success of a person can be cultivated by simply using a specific method.

Behaviourism is opposed to mentalism. It argues that internal mental states like desires, goals, emotions and so on, are unscientific. These invisible, vague concepts cannot form the basis of a serious science. Behaviouralists wanted to develop a science that there is nothing that's unobservable. They make mental and the tangible worlds stimulate each other, using notions such as response and reinforcement and adapting to an environment.

Behaviourism does not take into account a person's fundamental building blocks. It believes that there is not much difference between species except for a disparity in associative powers. Behaviourists would say the difference between a human and a rat lies in the fact that humans live in a richer environment than rats. This theory then informs a kind of understanding in which all animals are more or less the same, so studies on humans can be undertaken by studying animals.

There have been backlashes against Skinner's behaviourism in the field of psychology.

卢军宏太平绅士,现任世界心理健康联盟董事局主席、澳洲东方传媒弘扬佛法慈善机构董事局主席、澳洲东方传媒报业广播电视集团董事长,是澳大利亚高级心理辅导师,拥有澳洲心理学高级文凭,并荣誉担任意大利锡耶纳大学荣誉客座教授、受聘著名国际佛教大学荣誉教授、英国西苏格兰大学佛学与哲学讲师,具有 25 年心理辅导经验,宣讲心理学与佛学理论至世界125个国家与地区,拥有一千万佛学与心理学的学习者与追随者。


Professor Richard Lu JP currently serves as the Chairman of Mental Health International, Australia Oriental Buddhist Charity Association and the Australia Oriental Media Group. He is a senior counsellor, holding an Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Psychology (Australia). 

Professor Lu has also been appointed as an Honorary Visiting Professor by the prestigious University of Siena, Italy; Honorary Professor by an international Buddhist university; and Lecturer in the area of Buddhism and Philosophy at the University of the West of Scotland, UK. With 25 years of experience in counselling, Professor Lu has given lectures in psychology and Buddhist theory in 125 countries and regions. 

Currently, there are 10 million people studying and following his psychological and Buddhist practices.

This book is a compilation of Professor Lu’s psychological research over the years. Professor Lu has abundant experience from many years of applying and practising psychology. His unique insight also provides positive and innovative solutions to mental health issues facing people today, adding lustre to the development of modern psychology.

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